Corelatus develops 19" rack-mounted products to connect to E1/T1/J1 and SDH/SONET telecommunication links. All products are controlled over ethernet. Our customers are system builders who add their own application software on a server and market the complete package to telecom operators.
Corelatus products are all designed according to a philosophy of physical, electrical and functional isolation. Our products are physically and electrically isolated by being inside their own chassis with all IO protected. The functional isolation comes from a narrow, well-defined control interface with a clear separation of responsibilities.
E1/T1 Monitor 3.0
E1/T1 Monitor 3.0 provides permanent monitoring of SS7, LAPD, Frame Relay and ATM signalling on E1/T1/J1 (2 or 1.5 Mbit/s) lines. It can be connected to the GSM Gb, Abis, A, C, D, E and F links and on 3G Iub, Iucs and Iups links.

E1/T1 Monitor 3.0 has 64 E1/T1/J1 receivers, so it can connect to both directions of 32 E1/T1/J1 links. It decodes layer 1 and layer 2 of the protocol stack and then forwards the monitored data to an external server over TCP/IP—i.e. it is a network packet broker for data carried on E1/T1/J1.
SDH Monitor 3.0
The SDH Monitor 3.0 extracts signalling and voice from E1/T1/J1 streams carried on SDH and SONET links in fixed and mobile telephone networks.

SDH Monitor 3.0 connects to 155Mbit/s STM-1/OC-3 links, extracts a subset of the the E1/T1/J1 streams inside them, decodes layer 1 and layer 2 of the protocol stack and then forwards the monitored data to an external server over TCP/IP.
E1/T1 Messenger 3.0
The E1/T1 Messenger 3.0 terminates 16 E1/T1/J1 links, provides a non-blocking timeslot switch, handles ISDN LAPD signalling, records voice and signalling, detects DTMF tones and plays back voice and tones.