Posted October 1st 2011
This post is about what I did to get the GTH example code (the C version) to run on Amazon EC2, controlling a GTH on the public internet.
Amazon EC2 is a service where you rent a virtual server by the second. The virtual server can run Windows or Linux. Our in-house environment is all-linux, so we use EC2 to give us an on-demand Windows environment to check example code on.
Taking each step in detail:
First off: spend a moment thinking about security. You probably don't want SS7 traffic from a live network going over the internet. The GTH is designed to be installed in a secure network, not directly facing the internet. Take care.
Most likely, you've got the GTH behind a firewall. The firewall needs to be configured so that TCP port 2089 gets to the GTH.
The GTH needs to be told where the firewall is. In my case, it's at
query_set eth1 "default gateway"
I'm assuming you're familiar with Amazon EC2. It's your choice which OS you want to run at Amazon. In my case, I wanted Windows because our primary development environment is linux, so I like the convenience of starting up an Amazon machine when I need to do something with Windows.
An easy way to do that is to use a WWW browser on EC2 to download the example code from
On Amazon windows instances, an alternative is to use a remote share via terminal server. Still another is to install 'putty' and use 'psftp' to get the code from your own server.
Now you can try out the install:
> query_set board LED mode=normal PCM LED assignment=universal voice coding=alaw architecture=gth2.1 ROM ID=0x26cbce800000005f temperature=40.2 power consumption=6.4 power source=A POE source=
'query_set' only uses the port 2089 API socket. But some of the other examples do more complicated things with TCP. 'playback_file', 'record' and 'save_to_pcap' all open TCP connections back to EC2 to send data.
There are three places which are likely to block TCP connections originating at the GTH. You need to make sure each of those lets them through.
netsh firewall add allowedprogram c:\users\mml\downloads\save_to_pcap.exe mode=ENABLE
Now you can run use pretty much anything in the GTH API from a machine in Amazon's cloud.